lol itz good but needz lil bitta pushin u feel me it a great idea datz needz dat extra somethin 2 make it mo dirty south but itz worth my 5 lol
lol itz good but needz lil bitta pushin u feel me it a great idea datz needz dat extra somethin 2 make it mo dirty south but itz worth my 5 lol
Fanks 4 reveiw x
aint seen ur name round here n a min but dis iz nice n itz not dat piano 2 loud lol itz most da otha soundz n it were sorta n background piano but good job
yea ive been just doing me for a while but i thought i would come back and put new shit on you know ,
i like
lol 4 a pre itz good n itz a real trunk banga cant wait til final done
yea still gotta fux wit it alot
good lookin out tho
i like dis shit alot cuhz it goes real hard and 4 some reason it kinda soundz like a reven track lol so u i gotta add da songz 2 on my favz
haha cheaa i woz thinkin that, prolly cuz hes from chicago n i know he listens to alotta midwest chi town shit so its influenced his music n dats da sound i woz goin for haha.
thanks bro! -1-
it aint bad lol it kinda soundz like a few of my trackz u did good on it and i look fwd 2 mo frm u and maybe a collabo
yea man we should do that sumtime send me sum10 to my inbox letting me know how we can get in touch, thanks for ya review
4.25 / 5.00 (+ 0.095)
I like dis all da soundz come 2getha nicely and nutin less den 10 material lol nice 2 see u droppin songz again
I wish more people would listen to the dam beat lol
3.17 / 5.00 (+ 0.19)
Yoo lol been awhile a like dis it gotta eminem feel 2 it keep it up mayne
ayeee wadup stone haha yeah its bin ages brah, i chekked u out tho n ur shit is waaaayyy hotta than the last time i herd it man
i know what u mean bout tha eminem feel haha sounds like sum 8 mile soundtrack shit. but yo thanks for the review n the 5 bro keep in touch
4.46 / 5.00 (+ 0.035)
lol soundz good and soundz like u've been steppin ur game up keep da songz like dis comin
thanks man much appreciated LMAO!!! i dropped this like last yr!!!! HAHAAA!!!! but still thanks heheh
3.99 / 5.00 (+ 0.100)
Well i like da song but my compter keep stopin it and internet messin up cuz of storm but da 1st 30 sec da it played wit out a prob sounded very good wit nice mix of instrumentz so ill give it a 5
Ahhh man you missing the best parts....
Shit dis hard but Dealin wit dat NG Haterz it gotta low score but dey dont recognize good shit wen itz post so ima 5 dis
thanx i appreciate it
fire dropper 🔥
Age 35, Male
Rapper/ producer/ me
Omaha, NE
Joined on 4/4/06